Troop Boxes – Letters from Home
As we restore our post pandemic world, we will re restarting our troop box ministry. Donations of the following items are needed and can be placed in the camouflage box in the social hall along with personal cards and letters
Little Debbie/Drakes cakes
hard candies
trail mix
laundry pods
hand sanitizer
coffee k cups
powdered drink mixes
toiletries – male and female
dryer sheets
flushable wipes
Meets the Second Tuesday of Every Month from 12:30 – 2:30
All are Welcome to join – to cut, pin or sew.
All pillowcases are donated to local hospitals.
Do you knit, crochet, or do any hand crafts? Join us for some fun and fellowship.
Work on your project while the pillowcase makers do their thing. We always have fun
and would love to see you!
In June every year, the youth and adults from sending churches in the Skylands District gather for a one week mission trip to help repair area houses.
Angel Tree is a program of Prison Fellowship that connects parents in prison with their children through the delivery of Christmas gifts. In most cases, local church volunteers purchase and deliver gifts and the Gospel to children in the name of their prisoner-parent.
Many churches make an annual commitment to this highly rewarding program, and recognize it as a way to care for some of the most overlooked members of our communities.
Branchville United Methodist Church has been involved with Angel Tree since 2014. We support this ministry by receiving the names of 25 children of inmates each year with who we share Christmas gifts on behalf of their incarcerated parent. It starts with a gift, but the gospel message is also shared as a part of the personal visit to deliver the gifts. Each child receives age appropriate literature that shares the good news of Jesus Christ. In addition to experiencing the joy on the faces of the children when they receive these gifts, each incarcerated parent receives a letter sharing the experience. In many cases they even receive photos of their children accepting their gifts. Often, the parent will write a thank you letter for the kindness we have shown to them and their children. Each year, we share in this ministry in many ways. Some members of our church purchase gifts for the children, some join in a “gift wrapping party”, some might help in the delivery of the gifts. May God bless our efforts as we join together each Christmas season to brighten the lives of these children and their parents as we share the love of Christ!!